[drawio项目文件地址](https://github.com/2pc/mydrawio) Checkpoint流程 启动流程 FlinkSQL Flink Slot管理 画图模板 画图模板PNG
配置环境变量HADOOP_CONF_DIR,将yarn的配置文件解压在此目录 export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/soft/yarn-conf start yarn-session ./yarn-session.sh -n 8 -s 8 -jm 1024 -tm 1024 -nm flink –d Submit a job to YARN wget -O LI...
YarnApplicationMasterRunner–>run()–>runApplicationMaster() // 2: the JobManager LOG.debug("Starting JobManager actor"); // we start the JobManager with its standard name ActorRef jobManager ...
Flink1.15 Dispatcher源码分析
Flink1.15 JobMaster源码分析
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